footage taken by 李建平
(Li Jian Ping) early 1998

document 6A_ email exchange, from: Li Jian Ping to: Gao Yue 
early 1998

Gao Yue. 15 February 1998, 22.17p.m.
高跃 1998年2月15日 22:17

It was great to take you to school. Everyone was so curious and you were very delicate. You saw, it's like a family, and now you know it. I miss them, but now I feel that these two worlds somehow come together, and it makes me less sad.


Gao Yue. 15 February 1998, 22.44p.m.
高跃 1998年2月15日 22:44

I'm sorry that sometimes I seem distant to you, I'm living in a difficult moment and you know it. I can't talk to you about what I do in the office yet, it's complicated and difficult to explain, but I feel that I've never pushed my bodily knowledge to similar levels. I feel that I can finally go beyond tradition and push acrobatic art where it has never been before. I can't explain it at school either, which makes me very disoriented. You understand that, don't you?
