Research diary
by Rachele Maistrello


The company registration document reveals not only the age of both protagonists, but also the number of workers registered between their respective employment dates. The signature of the administrative manager is authentic, and it is the same in both documents, suggesting that there was some continuity in staffing. I tried to track her down, also with poor results. It is interesting to note the different areas of access permitted: Gao Yue can access four areas, whereas Li Jian Ping can only access two. Li Jian Ping's code is white and Gao Yue's code is green. His number is 35, hers is 57: only twelve people were registered between them, a small figure for a four year period. Maybe the number refers solely to their work sector, but how can Gao Yue be number 57 if she was the only one with that specific skill?

公司的注册文件不仅记录了两人的年龄,还记录着当时有多少工人注册在案。行政经理的亲笔签名在两人的文件上是一致的,所以我猜想员工的流动应该不是太大。我没有追踪到她的下落。 有意思的是大家都有不同的区域许可,高跃可以进入四个区域,而他只能进入两个。李建平的编码是白色的,高跃的是绿色的。他是35号,她是57号,说明他们中间有12个人注册,四年的话算是很少了。也许号码是按部门划分的,但既然她的工作那么特殊,为什么会是57号呢?